By being a representative of the world’s only “full line’’ cooling tower manufacturer (Marley – SPX) we are able to offer a complete range of cooling tower alternatives.
SPX - Marley
We are the Western Australian and South Australian authorised representative for SPX – Marley Cooling Technologies as well as the world leading LAKOS filtration systems.
Cooling Towers WA specializes in a variety of maintenance and refurbishment services to maximize the life of your existing cooling tower and to improve thermal performance and operation.
All of our cooling towers are certified by Cooling Tower Institute which ensures that each product in our line will perform thermally in accordance with the manufacturer's published ratings.
We offer a wide variety of maintenance services. Whether it be planned or breakdown maintenance, our experienced crew will be able to analyse and assess the structural and mechanical components and the overall cooling tower performance. Geareducer maintenance, fan alignment, driveshaft setups and various other services fall in the area of our expertise.
We understand that a lot of clients have cooling towers that have been in operation for decades and are reaching the end of their operational life. However, sometimes the longevity must be extended to not affect the core process of the customer.
Cooling Towers WA holds the Western Australian agencies for Marley Cooling Towers and Lakos Separators.
With experience in both industrial and HVAC markets, the engineering and design team works with Marley Australia (NSW) to provide service that meets all clients’ requirements